Monday 7 October 2013

Year 2- SDK Project

For my first, Second year University project, I had to texture another persons model which I found to be harder than texturing my own; this was because I hadn't mapped so the model so didn't understand the UV map.
The best part of this project was the help I got from my tutors; I had a better insight into highlights and low lights.
Imp model without texture

Imp model with my texture
My UV map

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Autodesk Mudbox - Practising using the Sculpt Tool

So I thought it was about time to learn Mudbox. I really enjoyed using the Sculpt tool.

The sculpt tool has the setting so you can mirror in an axis. I kept changing the brush size and strength to see what I could produce.
I think I got overly excited and went a bit crazy with the strength of the brush. 

Wednesday 14 August 2013

Logo Design

The top image is the actual logo/business card. (My sister is a very picky person).
I used the bottom image for the silhoutte. I used the magic wand tool and then used the fill tool for the black. 

Tuesday 23 July 2013

Low Poly Farm - Sheep

I'm using an old model I made at Uni for a project.
I've imported him into Mudbox and I'm having ago at making him look fluffy (I've never used Mudbox before so this is fun). 
I like how the interface is in Mudbox as it looks simple and appealing.

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Low Poly Farm - House

So ever since doing a corner project at University (I chose to do a farm (kind of)) I wanted to design a farm game although I'm unsure of how it would be played and such.

My corner project

Low poly House ready to be UV mapped and textured

My original design for the roof texture. It was in process but I decided I didn't like it so I've started a new one

Sunday 23 June 2013

Practising my Concept Art - Face

I've not drawn/sketched in ages so it was really relaxing to do it.

I used a reference image to get the shape right. I'm thinking about painting the face in block colours with a bit of highlights and shadows.

I've started to add colour into the image. A friend gave me some useful advice where I should try it in greyscale then add colour over the top of it once the shading and highlights have been put in. (Going to give it a try) 

So I put colour into the picture (going to try the greyscale one in the future).  I've never painted by starting off blocking it in then adding detail so this was fun to do.

Practising my Concept Art - Tree

My concept art tends to let me down at times so I thought I'd practice it to improve.

The light is coming from the corner so I thought it would need highlights. it was originally meant to signify Mother Nature but like any designer ideas change and after my Dad made a comment on how it reminds him of something from Disney I changed it. (Still in progress)

Character Modelling Practise - Fat Devil

So I thought it was about time to start learning to make a character.

I started off using just one cube instead of loads of different ones; I extruded, moved faces around and scaled them.
I modelled him in high poly instead of low poly.

As you can see from the example, it looks better in high poly